- Be vocal – shout (Ki-ahp) loudly when performing – get yourself noticed and stand out from the crowd.
- Have an attitude to win – it’s okay to have fun and enjoy yourself, however the whole point of entering a competition is try and win a medal; develop a “winners” mindset.
- Develop conviction! Conviction means the ability to apply yourself 100% – don’t hold back.
- Adopt the 6 P’s – Proper Planning & Practice Prevents Poor Performance. i.e. having good breakfast, arriving early, stretching-out / warming-up properly also helps to elevate nerves.
- Paying attention to detail. Remember it’s the little things that make a big difference. Spreading your fingers wide when performing techniques is just one prime example.
- Etiquette – Following correct procedures, which not only makes you look professional it makes you look like you know what you’re doing, it also makes you stand out.
- Give & gather support – Peer support is not only a great way to improve performance it’s also an effective way of relieving nerves. Support your classmates as best you can and allow them to do the same for you.